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How to use GPU enabled OpenCV with ROS Kinetic?

asked 2017-05-27 21:49:23 -0500

naveenT1010 gravatar image

Hi, I want to use CUDA enabled OpenCV with ROS. I have kinetic which already has one OpenCV 3.2 but it is not cuda enabled and also doesn't have extra modules of opencv_contrib. For this reason, I built a new OpenCV in /usr/local with CUDA and opencv_contrib enabled and I got this new OpenCV working.

Now I have been through most of the question for implementing custom OpenCV with ROS and somehow, I am able to compile (catkin_make) my package using with custom OpenCV but when I run it, with rosrun, it again uses kinetic opencv and shows cuda not enabled. Any help in this regard would be appreciated.

P.S - I am able to use extra modules even with kinetic opencv also (It just worked by itself). Only that cuda part is not working for me.

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1 Answer

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answered 2017-05-28 17:32:13 -0500

naveenT1010 gravatar image

I got this thing working now. I followed this : Similar Question

The key was that I had to rebuild all other packages also which were dependent upon OpenCV (vision_opencv which has cv_bridge). Also, in my cmakelist file, I have include all OpenCV packages and libraries for my project before the catkin packages. I dont know currently if it played a major role, but atleast its working now.

If the problem still persists, please check your $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. They should have the /usr/local (where your custom OpenCV is present) path before any of the ROS paths.

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I am facing the same problem, I uninstalled opencv library and leave kinetic which already has OpenCV 3.3.1-dev.

how to run the code with GPU.

please help me

Redhwan gravatar image Redhwan  ( 2019-08-22 00:06:26 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-05-27 21:49:23 -0500

Seen: 5,974 times

Last updated: May 28 '17