Google Cartographer closed loop detection & map completion
Does anyone know how I can detect from Google's Cartographer when a map is complete, when and area has been previously visited and lastly when a map is complete?
Are you wanting to know how to tell by physically looking at the output? Or in code by looking for some "cartographer has finished"-style flag?
I want to determine when the map is complete. In code is how I want to achieve this
I don't feel like this is a real answer, but one option might be to try reading the ROS info output - Cartographer seems to output predictable strings when it adds a new submap and finishes it's mapping process. Wouldn't have a clue where to begin though sorry.
@MarkyMark2012 You could use a submap that tracks the covered area and have the total area to discover as a known parameter from ground truth map. Find the ratio of submap / ground truth map area and once this is close to 1, set the "cartographer has finished"-style flag to true.