roslaunch Error: Cannot Launch Node of Type
I am trying to implement the following tutorial (
After following above instruction, everything almost is done, I ran "catkin build" without error. However when doing "roslaunch ./teleop_key.launch", I got this error: ERROR: cannot launch node of type [vrep_ros_clock_server/vrep_ros_clock_server_node]: can't locate node [vrep_ros_clock_server_node] in package [vrep_ros_clock_server]
I referred this link: to find workaround. rospack find vrep_ros_clock_server gave me the correct address of package vrep_ros_clock_server. My OS: ubuntu 14.06 ROS Indigo (similar author of the instruction) I also tried as the above link, delete package and re-create using roscreate-pkg, but the error still exists