Map not being built using gmapping with depthimage_to_laserscan [closed]
I am using Zed Camera, to build map of the surrounding. I am trying to build the map using depthimage_to_laserscan with slam_gmapping, however the laser scan data is not being published. Attached is my tf_frames, rqt_graph image, and the launch file I am using. It shows /scan for the laser scan in RVIZ. However, no points are being published, and there is no map being published.
I am not sure where the error is, any suggestion would be appreciated.
Ros: Kinetic, Ubuntu: 16.04
Since I am not allowed to upload images, I am attaching in the link below:
Looks like there's no input to the depthimage_to_laserscan node.
How would I fix that? Any suggestions? Also it says that there is no map received.
You are not publishing what depthimage_to_laserscan needs to subscribe. check the package documentation. you need a image (sensor_msgs/Image) and camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo). It seems that the Image is of a special type, so it needs a depth image as sensor_msgs/Image...
Yes you are right @mohsen1989m, the issue was of special topic, I managed to fix the issue of the laser scan output, but I still have error of no map received. I have updated the dropbox with new launch file, and the rviz output screenshot.
For starters you can remove the remap from scan to /zed/scan. Next you have a static transform for odom. This does not sound right.
Yea I took the static transform off, but that causes issue such that tf has two trees. For some reason it seems that laser scan match is not being triggered. Not sure why though...
Two tf trees: Looks like your odometry is not working. The odom->base_frame transform needs to be published by you.
The laser scan matcher node is supposed to do that, even if I publish that transform the map doesn't get built. I have added the laser scan matcher node in the file for reference.