Any good example or suggestions to transport image to ROS in Android-JNI ?
I know there's only have a C++ usage for transport image-messages to ROS in official API, and I want to do this in Android. So maybe the android_camera_driver is a good way to achieve this, however, for my target it's too complicated. I just need to transport the image from SD card or any other sources to ROS, never need a camera should open and take a photo or an OpenCV package to import. Only decoding the local image into byte-buffer and transform it to seneor_msgs.CompressedImage messages, and transport it. Therefore, I think the JNI should be a possible way to solve my problem. I'm new to jni and ros, I need some good suggestions to help me built a possible framework based on this structure. Or just tell me my idea is hard to make true, or it's a bad idea! Thanks in advance! Any good suggestions would welcome!