Filling sensor_msgs/Image with uint8_t buffer array [closed]
So I'm working on making a camera driver, and the data struct contains the frame data such as the height and width, and uint8_t leftData and uint8_t rightData pointers. Ive been trying to see which way would be the best way to just fill simple fill in the sensor_msgs/Image message i create, but i cannot seem to find how to do it.
Here is what i have tried so far:
leftImage.height = pFrameData->height;
leftImage.width = pFrameData->width;
leftImage.encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8;
leftImage.step = 64; = pFrameData->leftData;
But with that i get a error saying "no viable overloaded '=' "
Then after searching around i found people linking to the sensor_msgs::fillImage() header, and tried to use the memcpy method, but that did not work either (i got a seg fault)
Then i tried using the cv::Mat constructor to see if i could at LEAST somehow get a image to publish, by passing the size, type, and data pointer (pFrameData->leftData).
No luck with any of them. Im really new to opencv, cv_bridge, and camera related things in general. Would someone be able to guide me in the right direction?
Here is a example buffer for the left camera if i just print to the screen: 0x7ff7549ea800
Here is my frame callback function (after trying ahendrix's solution, which gave a malloc error which i put in comments below):
void frameCallback(const PFrame pFrameData)
leftImage.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
leftImage.header.frame_id = "camera";
leftImage.height = pFrameData->height;
leftImage.width = pFrameData->width;
leftImage.encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8;
leftImage.step = 64;
const int image_size = pFrameData->height * pFrameData->width;;
for( int i=0; i < image_size; i++ )