How to send 'hexadecimal' message packets over tcp/ip network?
I am using ros indigo and ubuntu 14.04. I have a sensor that is connected through tcp/ip network. Its a querry response type of device. So basically I need to send meaningful data packets to get back meaningful data packets that would indicate various status.
So I have created a rosnode, and published a write topic that will be publishing my message into the respective tcp address and port. However the msg needs to be in Hexadecimal.
Sample data packet:
00 84 00 00 00 06 54 03 00 01 00 04
How can I send such a packet in a meaningful? Could it be sent over as a string? I think not. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
I don't know anything about your E84 sensor, but in general it sounds like you're on the right path. You'll probably need to write the sockets code for communicating with the E84 yourself, and then publish ROS messages representing your sensor data.
thanks @ahendrix
@ahendrix I have edited my question, you might have an answer. its more generic now.