Issues with catkin_ws/src
I don't know what is wrong, but everytime I follow a tutorial and have to use the catkin workspace src folder or similar then I get an issue.
I'm in doubt can this issue be solved? what can I do to fix it? Or do I have to reinstall ROS?
Just an example but this is everytime I try with anything:
kevin@kevin-Lenovo:~$ cd dev/catkin_ws/src/
bash: cd: dev/catkin_ws/src/: No such file or directory
is the issue the location? /home/kevin/ros/catkin_ws
I use ROS Indigo and Ubuntu 14.04 trusty
I'll be so grateful if someone can help me solve this. I would love to learn ROS. Thanks have a great day to all.
btw I'm trying to run ROS with arduino through ros-serial:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosserial-arduino
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosserial
$ cd dev/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone
$ cd dev/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make
$ catkin_make install
$ source install/setup.bash
Maybe you did not overlay the workspace to the working environment(ROS). Have you done that?
hey thanks After reading your comment I went through this tutorial: - worked out great - no issues. then I tried again - same result:
kevin@kevin-Lenovo:~$ cd dev/catkin_ws/ bash: cd: dev/catkin_ws/: No such file or directory What can it be?
btw I'm pretty knew to this only doing basic tutorials and the turtle sim, gazebo so far and two month of ubuntu use. I'm unfortunately kinda clueless now.
what do you mean by
then I tried again - same result:
? what are you exactly doing that is giving out that error?Sorry trying to run ros-serial for ros and arduino. - I updated the original post for more info.
I am quite not sure but if it worked earlier and not working at a later point, the only problem I can think of is the environment setup after ros installation. Check the environment setup
If you permanently add the sourcing of setup file to the bash script you don't manually have to do it everytime you open a new terminal.