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How to edit/compile ROS source code

asked 2017-03-16 16:19:01 -0600

corcorant gravatar image

updated 2017-03-16 16:21:50 -0600

Good afternoon,

I am trying to encrypt ros logs for a project, I currently have jade installed and running on an ubuntu OS. I believe the files I need to edit are in the ros_comm packages (rosconsole and rosout cpp files) that I found on the ROS Core Stack Github page.My biggest hurdle right now that I am facing is that I am having difficulty setting up my environment that would let me compile the source code. If you know of any tutorials or information that would give me an idea of how to edit and compile sections of the source code it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time,


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1 Answer

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answered 2017-03-16 16:41:20 -0600

William gravatar image

This tutorial tells you how to build as much or as little of ros as you want:

Basically, all the instructions are the same, except you can adjust the rosinstall_generator commands to select different packages to get. I'd recommend checking out the -h of rosinstall_generator because it has lots of options to control where you get the source from (a released version like x.y.z from a tar file vs. the "default" branch from git) and what packages you get.

Also, it's worth noting that you can build packages from source when their dependencies are installed as binaries (see the --exclude RPP option in rosinstall_generator) but any packages you want to use on top of your custom built things will also need to be from source. For example, you cannot build ros_comm from source and the run rviz from binaries and ensure that it is using your version of ros_comm. Instead you need to build rviz (and the dependencies between rviz and ros_comm) from source too.

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Asked: 2017-03-16 16:19:01 -0600

Seen: 832 times

Last updated: Mar 16 '17