ROS not calling callbacks fast enough
Here's a basic talker/listener example that reproduces the problem, if anyone else wants to try it. The talker is sending msgs of type gazebo_msgs::LinkStates
, at 1kHz. When less than 5 links are in the message, the listener callback is called at 1kHz. When there are more than 5 links, the listener callback only gets called at ~170 Hz.
Original Post:
There is something wrong with how ROS is calling subscriber callbacks at a much slower rate than msgs are being published. Here's a minimal example.
class DataHandler
ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::Publisher test_pub;
DataHandler() { test_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("test",10); }
void callback(const gazebo_msgs::LinkStatesConstPtr& msg)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "gazebo_to_ros");
ros::NodeHandle nh;
DataHandler callbacks;
ros::Subscriber linkSub = nh.subscribe("gazebo/link_states",1,&DataHandler::callback,&callbacks);
return 0;
The topic "gazebo/link_states" is being published to at 500 Hz (using rostopic hz
at the command line). The code in the callback takes a trivial amount of time to run (using std::chrono, less than 1ms => can run >1000Hz). The topic "test" is only being published to at ~70 Hz. Time between callback calls fluctuates between 1e-5 s and 0.04s, => 100kHz to 25 Hz, yielding an average of ~70 Hz.
Resource monitor shows cpu usage at less than 50%. Even setting high priority for this process changes nothing, so I don't think its a bottleneck in the hardware.
I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, with ROS Kinetic. Anyone have any idea at what I should look at next to help troubleshoot? Thanks for your help.
ROS may be dropping messages in the subscriber queue. You may want to enable topic statistics and look for dropped messages in rqt_graph, and then try increasing the subscriber queue length.
I made a simple talker/listener package to test this. When I just run the the talker and listener nodes with nothing else running, both run fine at 1kHz, and even at 10kHz. If I also have my simulation running in parallel, then I get msg drop.
However, they are communicating on separate topics, so why would the simulation interfere? My CPU usage is still around 50%.
In simulation, my experience is that time/clock is managed by the simulator and you get a lot of overhead because of this.