Stereo Calibration - Export from Matlab to ROS
I am trying to calibrate a pair of ueye cameras, model CP USB 3.0.
if I use the camera calibrator node the quality of calibration is really bad. I followed this guide step by step
After calibration I clicked commit and I ended up with two files in my driver ueye node. I can then start the driver and I see in topic camera_info that the calibration file has been loaded.
Then I run stereo_image_proc node to rectify the images, but I get a very bad result. Topics image_rect_color and image_color are almost the same, meaning the calibration is almost not doing much and the images are not well rectified.
I then tried to perform calibration again using the Matlab computer vision toolbox, stereo calibration app.
With this one I get a much better calibration and the images are well rectified, but now I don't know how to export the results from Matlab to the .ini calibration files used by the ueye driver.
I am attaching the files with the results for both ROS and Matlab. Could you please help me translate the results from Matlab into ROS?
I understand the camera matrix, but I don't know how to correctly match the results from Matlab into the Distortion, Rectification and Projection Matrices of the .ini calibration files.
Camera 1 Intrinsics
Focal length (pixels): [ 1461.7220 +/- 2.6474 1474.2012 +/- 2.6417 ]
Principal point (pixels):[ 967.4086 +/- 1.4924 605.6235 +/- 1.2613 ]
Radial distortion: [ -0.1466 +/- 0.0027 0.1859 +/- 0.0218 -0.1559 +/- 0.0512 ]
Tangential distortion: [ 0.0013 +/- 0.0002 -0.0001 +/- 0.0002 ]
Camera 1 Extrinsics
Rotation vectors:
[ -0.2224 +/- 0.0042 0.0308 +/- 0.0032 0.0819 +/- 0.0004 ]
[ -0.3702 +/- 0.0017 0.1900 +/- 0.0017 -0.1542 +/- 0.0004 ]
[ -0.2243 +/- 0.0014 -0.0319 +/- 0.0015 0.0321 +/- 0.0003 ]
[ -0.1585 +/- 0.0017 -0.0929 +/- 0.0017 0.0388 +/- 0.0002 ]
[ -0.1432 +/- 0.0028 -0.1294 +/- 0.0025 0.0287 +/- 0.0002 ]
[ -0.1654 +/- 0.0023 -0.1418 +/- 0.0022 0.0294 +/- 0.0003 ]
[ -0.1599 +/- 0.0015 -0.1060 +/- 0.0020 0.0091 +/- 0.0003 ]
[ -0.1778 +/- 0.0014 -0.0985 +/- 0.0015 -0.0059 +/- 0.0002 ]
[ -0.0896 +/- 0.0020 -0.0548 +/- 0.0020 0.0570 +/- 0.0002 ]
[ 0.0955 +/- 0.0027 -0.3056 +/- 0.0021 0.1882 +/- 0.0004 ]
[ -0.0263 +/- 0.0013 -0.0513 +/- 0.0013 -0.0077 +/- 0.0001 ]
[ -0.1241 +/- 0.0012 -0.0498 +/- 0.0013 0.0662 +/- 0.0001 ]
[ -0.1763 +/- 0.0009 -0.1665 +/- 0.0011 -0.0308 +/- 0.0001 ]
[ -0.1448 +/- 0.0010 0.0007 +/- 0.0012 0.0004 +/- 0.0001 ]
[ -0.1954 +/- 0.0009 0.0887 +/- 0.0011 0.0147 +/- 0.0002 ]
[ -0.1018 +/- 0.0010 -0.0225 +/- 0.0012 0.0400 +/- 0.0002 ]
[ -0.2833 +/- 0.0010 -0.0481 +/- 0.0012 0.0655 +/- 0.0003 ]
[ -0.2673 +/- 0.0011 -0.0353 +/- 0.0013 0 ...
Hi, did you find an answer by now? I'm facing the same problem, but can't translate the matlab stereoParams to the ROS projection matrix and rectification matrix. Anybody who can help?
I am also trying to get the projection and rectification matrix . I think [] would be useful. I converted first using cv2 and python and changed the parameters.