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rqt plugin development

asked 2017-01-14 06:53:41 -0500

fonstein gravatar image

I'm trying to make my own rqt plugin. I've been through the tutorials and been following this link so far:

I've met a lot of problems, and most of them has to do with what files to use. I use Qt Creator to create the .ui file. My confusion is what other files do I need since there is a lot of files being produced by Qt. So far I've moved the .ui file into src.

Could someone make a overview or something to help my confusion?

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1 Answer

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answered 2017-01-15 10:18:48 -0500

Azhar gravatar image

Hey i asked that question.

From my understanding, once you have done the gui in Qtcreator, you have to integrate it to ROS.

I am finding the integration tough too, especially if you cant open the Qtcreator in ROS workspace.

from Qtcreator, there are three types of files: headers(.h) , sources(.cpp) and forms(.ui).

the header files should be put in the include folder.

the source files and forms should be placed in the src folder.

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Did you figure out how to integrate it?

fonstein gravatar image fonstein  ( 2017-01-16 03:31:41 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-01-14 06:53:41 -0500

Seen: 230 times

Last updated: Jan 15 '17