why the time stamp of the message is later than the rosbag time?
I'm debugging my code with rosbag replay. In my code, I did tf transform like this:
tf.transformPose(target_frame, input_pose, output_pose);
Sometimes, there's an exception thrown, which read:
"Lookup would require extrapolation into the future. Requested time 1484037737.206813097 but the latest data is at time 1484037724.492085834, when looking up transform from frame [odom] to frame [map]"
I checked in the debugger, and found the time stamp of the message input_pose is later than the rosbag time:
p input_pose.stamp_
$1 sec = 1484037737, nsec = 206813097
p ros::Time::now()
$2 sec = 1484037724, nsec = 918256570
Also, the rosbag play console shows:
[PAUSED] Bag Time: 1484037724.967132
The commands I used to run the rosbag is
rosbag play --clock --pause bagfile.bag
And the param use_sim_time is already set to true:
$rosparam get use_sim_time
Could anyone please help with this problem? Thanks!
Is you data generated on the same computer that records the bag? if those happen on two different computers, it's possible that their clocks were out of sync.
It turns out to be I'm restarting the rosbag play again but the debugging process is not restarted.