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What do you suggest as a robust person tracking ROS-based solution using the Kinect

asked 2016-12-01 04:38:38 -0500

zeinab gravatar image


I am looking for a robust person tracking ROS-based solution for the Kinect. I know there exist a number of different packages but I was wondering which one you recommend as a robust tracking solution when using specifically the Kinect.

Thanks a lot in advance.

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Can you provide some more details? Using Kinect I assume you are targeting indoor application? Can you assume the ground is planar? Are you having a static camera or Kinect mounted on a robot?

Tommi gravatar image Tommi  ( 2016-12-01 05:26:16 -0500 )edit

Thank for your prompt reply. I am targeting an indoor application. The Kinect is mounted on the robot at the height of approximately 1.2 m and the ground can be assumed to be planar. the robot can move up to 2 .5 m/s.

zeinab gravatar image zeinab  ( 2016-12-01 06:16:54 -0500 )edit

Then I don't know a good ready-made solution. You should maybe clarify as well if you are thinking of detector and tracker as a package deal or tracker only.

Tommi gravatar image Tommi  ( 2016-12-01 07:57:49 -0500 )edit

I need a detector and tracker in combination. I could limit the speed of the robot to an extent. I am more considered about the robustness of the detection-tracking of the people (even at the expense of having to use lower speeds)

zeinab gravatar image zeinab  ( 2016-12-01 08:37:24 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2017-11-29 13:14:07 -0500

zeinab gravatar image

I have found that openpose and its wrappers seem very promising at the moment.

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answered 2016-12-02 02:14:49 -0500

Ampul3x gravatar image

What about the OpenCV feature feature detection algorithms like KAZE?

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I was wondering if there is already an off the shelf solution since many people are using the Kinect for this purpose nowadays.

zeinab gravatar image zeinab  ( 2016-12-05 06:36:22 -0500 )edit

feature tracking is not really relevant when talking about person tracking

Tommi gravatar image Tommi  ( 2016-12-08 05:37:12 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-12-01 04:38:38 -0500

Seen: 499 times

Last updated: Nov 29 '17