How to control the speed of urdf model using moveit
How can i dynamically vary the speed of urdf robot while it is doing some path planning in rviz?
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How can i dynamically vary the speed of urdf robot while it is doing some path planning in rviz?
After @Stefan's response I wrote up a similar tutorial on this for MoveIt!:
The joint velocity limits can be set in the URDF like here. They additionally can be overwritten in the MoveIt joint_limits.yaml file. To change the speed on a per motion plan basis, you can set the two scaling factors for velocity and accelerations as described in MotionPlanRequest.msg. Spinboxes for setting both of those are also available in the MoveIt! MotionPlanning rviz plugin.
AFAIK no. There are planning constraints: , but time parametrization happens after planning. Not sure if the ROS Industrial guys do something special in Descartes or the Cartesian Planner plugin.
Descartes enforces joint velocity limits between each Cartesian point, but not end effector speed (is that what TCP stands for... tool control point?).
I'm using a UR10 that is limited to 25cm/s by the controller. Now I need to execute a plan as fast as possible. If my planned motion is slowed down by the controller, the motion stops after executing only a first part. Is there a way to work with robot that moves slower than expected?
Asked: 2016-11-11 09:09:47 -0600
Seen: 4,463 times
Last updated: Nov 13 '16
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