rosdep to work with sources instead of binaries
We have a small HPC infrastucture that, for simplicity, we can see as a Debian servers with multiple non-root users. (I'm the root. ;-)
We use environment modules to be able to have multilple versions of several key software we use, e.g. Boost, OpenCV...
To avoid conflicts we try to reduce to the minimal the amount of packages that we install with apt-get
, and we tend to use as much as possible virtualenv (and we are trying to move to docker).
So, we've decided to install ROS from sources.
So far we've already installed the kinetic ros_comm (from its own virtualenv), and with a small modulefile + the usual source /path/to/setup.bash
the users already have access to the ROS basic commands... so good!
But now I don't know how to allow users to install existing packages and their dependences (e.g. ros_tutorials
I know that the usual way is to use rosdep
, but it always work with existng binaries with apt-get
, or with pip
commands, am I right? Users can use pip if they setup a virtualenv, but they cannot use apt-get
Is there any way to make it download and build sources?
I know that they can clone the repository in their catkin_ws
(with or without wstool
) and just catkin_make
... and this is quite fine!
But... is there any way to at least download/clone all the dependencies of the desired not already in the catkin_ws
or in the ROS installation path?
The rosinstall_generator
looks as the tool I'm asking for... but it includes all depedencies althought they are alrady installed?
What is the standard way to work with source packages and source dependencies?