Is there an existing speed control node to connect the robot_localization state estimator with the diff_drive_controller?
I am using ROS Indigo on a differential drive robot for indoor use (no GPS). The path is pre-determined and the velocity along the path is to be controlled. I believe that move_base node would be overkill and probably would not work in this case. Speed along path needs to be at a certain rate and if an obstacle is detected the unit will stop and send an alarm. I think a 2-D PID speed controller (linear and angular vel.) and a path planner that reads from the pre-planned path and provides the commanded 2-D speed is all that is needed. Is there an existing ROS node I could use or modify?
I think move_base could work. You just have to frame your predetermined path as a move_base global planner.
I think the global planner goal format is a
message which is just a point and pose. I would need a goal with a format that includes a point (x,y) as well as a linear speed vector (vx, vy) defined for each waypoint.Did you ever figure this out? If so, can the question be closed?