ELMO Motor Drive (EtherCAT) and ROS
Hello everyone,
I have a ELMO motor drive(http://www.elmomc.com/products/whistle-solo-servo-drive-gold.htm) and a brushless dc motor. I want to run these drive and motor using ROS.
I see people are using Pi and arduino for controlling.
How to do this using drive and motor only ?
how things goes on? Can you share your views ?
I am able to run single bldc motor using SOEM, but controlling part is still need to be done to get it work in different different modes.
Did you choose any ELMO controller?
I am using elmo drive controller http://www.elmomc.com/products/whistl...
Can I controll a motor directly with my comper through ROS, without any controller(motion controller,something like that:http://www.elmomc.com/products/multi-axis-machine-motion-controller-g.htm),just motor drvier?