Robotino Mapping, Navigation, Obtacle avoidance
Hello, I am a student and new to Robotino and ROS. I am using Robotino with ROS Indigo. My goal is to move the robot from point A to B and avoid obstacle. I have already done obstacle detection using distance sensors and kinect. I can move the robot manually using teleop. I write a simple node to move the robot in a straight line and u-turn and return to the source point
geometry_msgs::Twist cmd_vel_msg_; if(count>100 && count<140) {
ROS_INFO("U turn ..........%s",;
vel_x = 0.0;
vel_y = 0.0;
vel_omega = 0.6;
vel_x = .17;
vel_y = 0.0;
vel_omega = 0.0;
ROS_INFO("straight------------- %s",;
cmd_vel_msg_.linear.x = scale_linear_ * vel_x;
cmd_vel_msg_.linear.y = scale_linear_ * vel_y;
cmd_vel_msg_.angular.z = scale_angular_ * vel_omega;
---------------------------------------------------------//and the publisher is
pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/cmd_vel", 1, true);
Well I did the above node just for test purpose, and successfully tested that I can detect obstacle while moving. But my target is to move the robot in a defined map. If there is any obstacle detected than avoid the obstacle collision. I need to create a map for that but unfortunately the link is removed : I am not getting any help and clue for creating map with robotino. i do not have any laser scanner. I am having kinect. Can anyone please please please suggest me what approach should I take to reach my goal?