treat eclispe

asked 2016-07-16 02:31:47 -0500

unicornair gravatar image

I stay well with eclipse,I can build run and debug,but I can not stop it from jerking off!eg I code `


eclipse told me

:Invalid arguments ' Candidates are: void init(const ? &, const ? &, ?) void init(int &, char * *, const ? &, ?) '

I code

ros::Publisher pub=Nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::twist>("/turtle1/cmd_vel",10);

eclipse told me

Multiple markers at this line
    - Invalid arguments ' Candidates are: ros::Publisher advertise(const ? &, ?, bool) ros::Publisher advertise(ros::AdvertiseOptions 
     &) ros::Publisher advertise(const ? &, ?, const ? &, const ? &, const ? &, bool) '
    - Symbol 'advertise' could not be resolved

uncountable situations like this,omfg

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Did you follow the instructions on how to create an Eclipse project? Depending on the ROS version you use follow either the rosbuild or catkin instructions. Groovy, hydro, indigo, jade, and kinetic use catkin.

Chrissi gravatar image Chrissi  ( 2016-07-16 05:35:12 -0500 )edit