Error while using pointgrey camera
I am using pointgrey camera. I have installed the pointgrey camera driver successfully. When I launch the camera node, I can see the following topics : /camera/camera_info , /camera/image_raw and /camera/image. But when I try to subscribe to camera/image topic, I am getting the following error.
[ERROR] [1467135193.921150993]: Client [/Camera_Object_Detection] wants topic /camera/image to have datatype/md5sum [sensor_msgs/Image/060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743], but our version has [wfov_camera_msgs/WFOVImage/807d0db423ab5e1561cfeba09a10bc88]. Dropping connection.
Can I know how to fix this ?
You didn't post the error...
Oops, sorry. Have posted the error.