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Problem with Kinetic ROS_PACKAGE_PATH on Raspberry Pi 3?

asked 2016-05-24 17:44:01 -0500

csherstan gravatar image

I am an experienced ROS installer. I just did a new install of Kinetic on a Raspberry Pi 3, running Ubuntu 16.04. I installed sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop and followed the rest of the instructions:

I then when through setting up my workspace:

However, after sourcing both source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash and source devel/setup.bash I check the var echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH but I only see /opt/ros/kinetic/share:/opt/ros/kinetic/stacks. My local workspace is missing.

Bug? Thanks.

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answered 2016-05-25 13:49:54 -0500

csherstan gravatar image

Turns out the problems were much larger. Something must have gone very bad during the install. A complete removal and reinstall of Kinetic did the trick. Things are working fine now with ros-kinetic-ros-base.

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Asked: 2016-05-24 17:44:01 -0500

Seen: 444 times

Last updated: May 25 '16