I'd like to map some sensor values, what should I use?
I'd like to make a 2D map of some sensor values I will measure with my robot, such as light intensity. What mapping tool should I use? I'm a little bit confused between gmapping, costmap or even if I should be using any of these!
I'd like to colour code so that high light intensity gets a different colour in the map than dark and some gradual changes in between.
Thank you
It sounds like you just want to plot the sensor data, not perform mapping. Is that the case?
yes, I want to plot the sensor data on top of the map if that makes sense. Adding a layer.
I would start here: http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials Once you have the robot moving around and localizing itself, then visualizing the sensor measurements is trivial. (It's also trivial if your robot is static.)
Okay I'll have a look and see what comes of it. I will write back in the coming days. Thank you for your initial help!!