How to run a servo using a pixhawk through MAVROS Offboard mode? [closed]
I am using the a pixhawk connected to the odroid for a quadcopter. I am detecting the obstacles using a LIDAR. I am attaching the lidar to a servo so that I can do a lidar sweep.I am running the pixhawk in offboard mode and trying to control the servo motor through the auxiliary ports (AUX). We found a way in this link below.!t...
But the problem is that there is a problem in using nutshell with the pixhawk, Everytime I use the command below, I get either gibberish or a line saying that [Screen Is Terminating].
screen /dev/ttyACM0 BAUD_RATE 8N1
I have tried different baud rates like 57600 115200 921600 9600. None of them seem to work.
Kindly let me know if you a solution for this or if there is an alternative to controlling the servo using pixhawk.
Thanks, Vivek
Here I have a code for servo_controller which may help. You may add comments for further doubts. Here I've used urdf files for convience, but sdf files can also be integrated. There is also a ros package which controls the servo which will aid you further