Error with Rosdep Update on Ros Groovy

asked 2016-04-22 17:44:16 -0500

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updated 2016-04-28 20:54:35 -0500


I have currently been installing and setting up Ros Groovy on a Beaglebone Black using Ubuntu version 12.04 Precise. All installation progress has gone well up until the point where I try to update rosdep. Here is my error log below:

ubuntu@ubuntu-armhf:~$ rosdep update
 reading in sources list data from /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Query rosdistro index

    ERROR: Rosdep experienced an error: Unable to handle 'index' format version '3', please update rosdistro (e.g. on Ubuntu/Debian use: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install
    --only-upgrade python-rosdistro) Please go to the rosdep page [1] and file a bug report with the stack trace below. [1] :

    rosdep version: 0.10.30

    Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/rosdep2/", line 126, in rosdep_main
        exit_code = _rosdep_main(args)   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/rosdep2/", line 286, in _rosdep_main
        return _no_args_handler(command, parser, options, args)   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/rosdep2/", line 294, in _no_args_handler
        return command_handlers[command](options)   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/rosdep2/", line 468, in command_update
        error_handler=update_error_handler)   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/rosdep2/", line 433, in update_sources_list
        for dist_name in sorted(get_index().distributions.keys()): File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/rosdep2/", line 69, in get_index
        _RDCache.index = rosdistro.get_index(_RDCache.index_url) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/rosdistro/", line 115, in get_index
        return Index(data, base_url)   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/rosdistro/", line 51, in __init__
        assert int(data['version']) == 2, "Unable to handle '%s' format version '%d', please update rosdistro (e.g. on Ubuntu/Debian use: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade python-rosdistro)" % (Index._type, int(data['version'])) AssertionError: Unable to handle 'index' format version '3', please update rosdistro (e.g. on Ubuntu/Debian use: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install
    --only-upgrade python-rosdistro)

I have already viewed the following question ( ) in terms of seeking help, but to no avail, I still receive the same error. I know that I do not have any packages installed in pip as I have checked to make sure. I do have rosdistro 0.3.5-1, which means that it does not have to do with a version of rosdistro lower than 0.3.0 either. I also have freshly installed Groovy which crosses out the idea of needing to update rosdep. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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