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Multiple subscribers and single publisher in one python script?

asked 2016-04-18 21:08:17 -0600

tercelkisor gravatar image

updated 2016-05-11 16:17:26 -0600

I'm having issues with getting this to work. What I need to do is pull magnetometer data from the imu topic, pull gps data from gps topic, do calculations, and publish to cmd_vel topic. It seems like it would be simple, but I can't seem to get it to work. I can get both subscribers and the publisher to work simoultenously, but I cannot get the data to play together, and I'm pretty sure i'm getting stuck in a callback function.

My code is currently printing my bearing and heading, but it isn't moving, and I'm not sure what else I can try.

My most recent code:

    #!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3Stamped
from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3

from math import radians
from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix
import time
import numpy

global lat1
global long1

def call_head(um6):

    global heading
    global bearing 

    r = rospy.Rate(5);
    # rospy.loginfo("Bearing: %s", um6.vector)          #Print mag reading for bearing
    z = um6.vector.z
    y = um6.vector.y

    angles = Vector3()

    heading = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(z, y)) + 90

    angles.x = heading
    angles.z = bearing

    call_bear_pub = rospy.Publisher("navStuff", Vector3, queue_size=10)


    return "done heading"

def call_nav(navsat):

    global heading
    global bearing 

    global lat1
    global long1

    r = rospy.Rate(5);
    # rospy.loginfo("Latitude: %s", navsat.latitude)        #Print GPS co-or to terminal
    # rospy.loginfo("Longitude: %s", navsat.longitude)

    angles = Vector3()

    lat1 = navsat.latitude
    long1 = navsat.longitude

    lat2 = 30.210406
    #                                   Destination
    long2 = -92.022914

    dLon = long2 - long1
    y = numpy.sin(dLon) * numpy.cos(lat2)
    x = numpy.cos(lat1)*numpy.sin(lat2) - numpy.sin(lat1)*numpy.cos(lat2)*numpy.cos(dLon)

    bearing = (numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(y, x)) + 360) % 360

    angles.z = bearing

    call_nav_pub = rospy.Publisher("navStuff", Vector3, queue_size=10)

    # if (heading != 0):
    #   call_nav_pub.publish(angles)
    # else:
    #   pass

    return "done bearing"

def call_move(data):

    r = rospy.Rate(5);

    pub = rospy.Publisher('/husky_velocity_controller/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)

    move_cmd = Twist()
    turn_cmd = Twist()

    lat2 = 30.210406
    #                                   Destination
    long2 = -92.022914

    move_cmd.linear.x = 2
    turn_cmd.angular.z = radians(45)

    heading = data.z
    bearing = data.x

    turn_angle = heading - bearing

    rospy.loginfo("bearing: %s", bearing)
    rospy.loginfo("heading: %s", heading)

    if (turn_angle > 180):
        turn_angle -= 360
    elif (turn_angle < -180):
        turn_angle += 360
        turn_angle = turn_angle

    if (abs(lat1-lat2)<.0005 and abs(long1-long2)<.0005):
        if (abs(turn_angle) < 8):
    return "done move"      

def run():
    rospy.Subscriber("/imu_um6/mag", Vector3Stamped, call_head)
    rospy.Subscriber("/gps/fix", NavSatFix, call_nav)
    rospy.Subscriber("navStuff", Vector3, call_move)


if __name__ == '__main__':

That's actually what I tried first, bit I couldn't get it to work. I switched to this method because of this

I'm sure I just don't understand how to use global variables enough. I'll post a simple version my attempt at using global variables.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from ...
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2 Answers

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answered 2016-04-20 09:51:28 -0600

Sood gravatar image

As suggested why don't you use a class and some flags

#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3Stamped
from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3

from math import radians
from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix
import time
import numpy

global lat1
global long1

Class Foo: 

def call_head(um6):
    z = um6.vector.z
    y = um6.vector.y

    self.angles = Vector3()

    self.heading = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(z, y)) + 90

    self.angles.x = self.heading
    self.angles.z = self.bearing

    self.send_bear_ = True
    return "done heading"

def call_nav(navsat):

    self.angles = Vector3()

    self.lat1 = navsat.latitude
    self.long1 = navsat.longitude

    dLon = self.long2 - self.long1
    y = numpy.sin(dLon) * numpy.cos(self.lat2)
    x = numpy.cos(lat1)*numpy.sin(self.lat2) - numpy.sin(self.lat1)*numpy.cos(self.lat2)*numpy.cos(dLon)

    self.bearing = (numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(y, x)) + 360) % 360

    self.angles.z = self.bearing

    self.send_nav_ = True

    return "done bearing"

def call_move(data):

    move_cmd = Twist()
    turn_cmd = Twist()

    move_cmd.linear.x = 2
    turn_cmd.angular.z = radians(45)

    self.heading = data.z
    self.bearing = data.x

    turn_angle = self.heading - self.bearing

    rospy.loginfo("bearing: %s", self.bearing)
    rospy.loginfo("heading: %s", self.heading)

    if (turn_angle > 180):
        turn_angle -= 360
    elif (turn_angle < -180):
        turn_angle += 360
        turn_angle = turn_angle

    if (abs(self.lat1-self.lat2)<.0005 and abs(self.long1-self.long2)<.0005):
        self.pub_msg = Twist()
        if (abs(turn_angle) < 8):
            self.pub_msg = move_cmd
            self.pub_msg = turn_cmd
    self.send_msg_ = True
    return "done move"      

def __init__(self):

    self.pub_msg = Twist()
    self.heading = #someinit val
    self.bearing = #someinit val
    self.send_msg_ = False
    self.send_bear_ = False
    self.send_ = False
    self.angles = Vector3()
    self.lat1 = #someinit val
    self.lat2 = #someinit val
    self.lat2 = 30.210406
    #                                   Destination
    self.long2 = -92.022914

    rospy.Subscriber("/imu_um6/mag", Vector3Stamped, self.call_head)
    rospy.Subscriber("/gps/fix", NavSatFix, self.call_nav)
    rospy.Subscriber("navStuff", Vector3, self.call_move)
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/husky_velocity_controller/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
    call_bear_pub = rospy.Publisher("navStuff", Vector3, queue_size=10)
    call_nav_pub = rospy.Publisher("navStuff", Vector3, queue_size=10)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if self.send_msg_:
            self.send_msg_ = False
        if self.send_bear_:
            self.send_bear_ = False
        if self.send_nav_:
            self.send_nav_ = False

if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('navigate_that_husky') try: foo = Foo() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass

Basically once you are receive the message the flag gets set and you can send it on the publisher. If you want them all together simply make sure that all must be true at the same time.

This should take care of timing issues. It did for me.

Sorry for the poor formatting I'm in a hurry.

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+1 for using a class. You could even get rid of the ugly global variables lat1 and long1. Another improvement in my eyes would be to remove the complete navStuff topic. Just call call_move() directly.

BennyRe gravatar image BennyRe  ( 2016-04-21 01:54:58 -0600 )edit

I think I've decided to go this route. I've never used classes before, so I'll do a little reading on that first. Thanks.

tercelkisor gravatar image tercelkisor  ( 2016-04-24 14:48:43 -0600 )edit

Great! Did I answer your question successfully? Does it work now?

Sood gravatar image Sood  ( 2016-05-22 13:54:26 -0600 )edit

answered 2016-04-19 06:13:42 -0600

BennyRe gravatar image

updated 2016-04-20 01:56:45 -0600

Oh dear this code is a mess.

Have you read and UNDERSTOOD all tutorials under

There are a few things wrong here.

  1. You don't need all these rospy.Rate.
  2. Don't create the publishers in your callbacks. Define them global and just publish in your callbacks.
  3. Do other nodes need the data you publish on the navStuff topic? If not remove this whole topic from you program. There are much cheaper and easier ways to handle data inside your program e.g. store it in a global or member variable.

If I understand you right you need data from both /imu_um6/mag and /gps/fix. As soon as you got both you need to process it and publish to /husky_velocity_controller/cmd_vel. What you have to do is, store the data from these two topics in a global variable. In your run method you wait until you got your data and then process it and publish it.


That already looks way better. I would recommend you to read some good Python tutorials. The learning curve of ROS itself is quite steep. But learning ROS and Python together can lead to heavy headache.

global lat 
global lon 

lat = navsat.latitude
lon = navsat.longitude

This is correct. You store the latitute and longitude in the global variables.

return lon
return lat

This is useless. 1. Callbacks don't process return values. 2. The second return is never reached since the function ends with the first return. (The correct way to do such stuff in Python would be return (lon, lat))


This call is blocking forever, so printer() is never invoked. Remove this rospy.spin()

Your printer()method could look like

def printer():
    while not (lat != 0 and lon != 0):
    rospy.loginfo("Latitude: %s", lat)
    rospy.loginfo("Longitude: %s", lon)
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I've edited my question.

tercelkisor gravatar image tercelkisor  ( 2016-04-19 09:53:30 -0600 )edit

Note: I'd be surprised if lat or lon ever really will be == 0, seeing as they are floats.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2016-04-20 02:25:45 -0600 )edit

Yes I also thought about this. In this while I check if they got a value from the callback. At the time of declaration lat = 0 lon = 0 they are integers. As soon as the callback stores values in them they become floats and the while ends.

BennyRe gravatar image BennyRe  ( 2016-04-20 02:50:05 -0600 )edit

So I removed the rospy.spin(), and the script just closes itself after printing "lat = 0 long = 0" I've read that the spin function is required to keep the script from "jumping out or something.

tercelkisor gravatar image tercelkisor  ( 2016-04-20 13:12:27 -0600 )edit

Did you insert the while loop?

BennyRe gravatar image BennyRe  ( 2016-04-21 01:49:51 -0600 )edit

Yes, I tried the while loop. It sort of works, but it won't stop the script when I crtl+c.

tercelkisor gravatar image tercelkisor  ( 2016-04-24 14:47:49 -0600 )edit

while not (lat != 0 and lon != 0) and not rospy.is_shutdown():

should do the trick

BennyRe gravatar image BennyRe  ( 2016-04-25 02:52:27 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2016-04-18 21:08:17 -0600

Seen: 11,653 times

Last updated: May 11 '16