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As suggested why don't you use a class and some flags


!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3Stamped from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3 from math import radians from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix import time import numpy global lat1 global long1 Class Foo:
def call_head(um6):
    z = um6.vector.z
    y = um6.vector.y

    self.angles = Vector3()

    self.heading = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(z, y)) + 90

    self.angles.x = self.heading
    self.angles.z = self.bearing

    self.send_bear_ = True
    return "done heading"

def call_nav(navsat):

    self.angles = Vector3()

    self.lat1 = navsat.latitude
    self.long1 = navsat.longitude

    dLon = self.long2 - self.long1
    y = numpy.sin(dLon) * numpy.cos(self.lat2)
    x = numpy.cos(lat1)*numpy.sin(self.lat2) - numpy.sin(self.lat1)*numpy.cos(self.lat2)*numpy.cos(dLon)

    self.bearing = (numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(y, x)) + 360) % 360

    self.angles.z = self.bearing

    self.send_nav_ = True

    return "done bearing"

def call_move(data):

    move_cmd = Twist()
    turn_cmd = Twist()

    move_cmd.linear.x = 2
    turn_cmd.angular.z = radians(45)

    self.heading = data.z
    self.bearing = data.x

    turn_angle = self.heading - self.bearing

    rospy.loginfo("bearing: %s", self.bearing)
    rospy.loginfo("heading: %s", self.heading)

    if (turn_angle > 180):
        turn_angle -= 360
    elif (turn_angle < -180):
        turn_angle += 360
        turn_angle = turn_angle

    if (abs(self.lat1-self.lat2)<.0005 and abs(self.long1-self.long2)<.0005):
        self.pub_msg = Twist()
        if (abs(turn_angle) < 8):
            self.pub_msg = move_cmd
            self.pub_msg = turn_cmd
    self.send_msg_ = True
    return "done move"      

def __init__(self):

    self.pub_msg = Twist()
    self.heading = #someinit val
    self.bearing = #someinit val
    self.send_msg_ = False
    self.send_bear_ = False
    self.send_ = False
    self.angles = Vector3()
    self.lat1 = #someinit val
    self.lat2 = #someinit val
    self.lat2 = 30.210406
    #                                   Destination
    self.long2 = -92.022914

    rospy.Subscriber("/imu_um6/mag", Vector3Stamped, self.call_head)
    rospy.Subscriber("/gps/fix", NavSatFix, self.call_nav)
    rospy.Subscriber("navStuff", Vector3, self.call_move)
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/husky_velocity_controller/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
    call_bear_pub = rospy.Publisher("navStuff", Vector3, queue_size=10)
    call_nav_pub = rospy.Publisher("navStuff", Vector3, queue_size=10)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if self.send_msg_:
            self.send_msg_ = False
        if self.send_bear_:
            self.send_bear_ = False
        if self.send_nav_:
            self.send_nav_ = False

if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('navigate_that_husky') try: foo = Foo() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass

Basically once you are receive the message the flag gets set and you can send it on the publisher. If you want them all together simply make sure that all must be true at the same time.

This should take care of timing issues. It did for me.

Sorry for the poor formatting I'm in a hurry.