Confusion about navigation and navigation experimental
Hi together,
I am pretty new to pathplanning and navigation in general and especially with ROS. So for now my goal is to use the SBPL_Lattice_Planner as global planner and another planner as local planner. My problem is that I downloaded the sbpl lattice planner fork from TU-Darmstadt and built it in my workspace with the sbpl package, which I got from here. (see below for "full" workspace configuration)
After struggling with it for I while, I noticed that the sbpl planner is included in the navigation_experimental package. So do I have to use the experimental package? Or is it possible to get it to work as I configured my workspace?
My workspaceconfig looks like this:
- catkin_ws
- src
- navigation
- my_robot_2dnav
- sbpl
- sbpl_lattice_planner
- src
and I am trying to get the planner to work with the following lines in my move_base.launch
<param name="base_global_planer" value="sbpl_lattice_planner/SBPLLatticePlanner" />
<param name="SBPLLatticePlanner/planner_type" value="AD*" />
<param name="SBPLLatticePlanner/primitive_filename" value="/home/aschultz/temp_ws/src/sbpl/matlab/mprim/pr2_all_2.5cm_20turncost.mprim" />
Is this all the right way to go?
Thanks in advance :)