leddar sensor connecting process always died
I had compile the Leddar ROS package successfully, after that I running the command roslaunch leddar leddar.launch
and it will show me :
... logging to /home/leddar/.ros/log/04b08b28-fb0f-11e5-8fba-c03fd56476ff/roslaunch-leddar-desktop-29633.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://leddar-desktop:36972/
* /leddar/fov: 45.0
* /leddar/frame: leddar
* /leddar/range: 50.0
* /leddar/serial:
* /rosdistro: indigo
* /rosversion: 1.11.16
leddar (leddar/leddar)
core service [/rosout] found
process[leddar-1]: started with pid [29651]
[ INFO] [1459850056.151109908]: Connected to default
[ INFO] [1459850056.165976987]: Reconfiguring...
[ INFO] [1459850056.175064564]: Streaming...
[leddar-1] process has died [pid 29651, exit code -7, cmd /home/leddar/catkin_ws/devel/lib/leddar/leddar __name:=leddar __log:=/home/leddar/.ros/log/04b08b28-fb0f-11e5-8fba-c03fd56476ff/leddar-1.log].
log file: /home/leddar/.ros/log/04b08b28-fb0f-11e5-8fba-c03fd56476ff/leddar-1*.log
[leddar-1] restarting process
process[leddar-1]: started with pid [29697]
[ INFO] [1459850070.122849882]: Connected to default
[ INFO] [1459850070.138432672]: Reconfiguring...
[ INFO] [1459850070.145432446]: Streaming...
[leddar-1] process has died [pid 29697, exit code -7, cmd /home/leddar/catkin_ws/devel/lib/leddar/leddar __name:=leddar __log:=/home/leddar/.ros/log/04b08b28-fb0f-11e5-8fba-c03fd56476ff/leddar-1.log].
log file: /home/leddar/.ros/log/04b08b28-fb0f-11e5-8fba-c03fd56476ff/leddar-1*.log
the leddar ros package I was git clone from : https://github.com/mcgill-robotics/ro...
anyone know how to solve it? Thank you!
I'm guessing, this is pretty much this question...
that problem I just simply use
roslaunch leddar leddar.launch
instead of github provide one. Then the problem was solved. now is that I can connect the leddar eva kit but just a while it will died then reconnect back again, repeating the problem until totally failure