Convert ros markers into pcl or mesh
Hi. I am a newbie in ROS. Recently, I start working on the SLAM method(developed by someone else ). I have a node which publishes to the topic /Map. The messages are of type: visualization_msgs/Marker. Example:
x: 0.0703901350498
y: 0.258601367474
z: 0.103628642857
However, the output I wanted is something like point cloud or mesh so that I can import them into simulators like Gazebo. I tried some research online but none of the results answer my question. I wonder if it is possible to convert those Markers into pointcloud or mesh?
Thanks in advance.
Can you let us know which type of marker message you are receiving? There are quite a lot of types. If the marker message is points or triangles, then you could make your own node to convert these into point clouds using PCL