Error in find_object2d [closed]
Hi everyone!
I'm having some issues with find_object2d
When I launch it with
roslaunch find_object_2d find_object_3d.launch
I'm getting this error:
*** Error in `/opt/ros/indigo/lib/find_object_2d/find_object_2d': realloc(): invalid next size: 0x0000000000759280 ***
[find_object_3d-1] process has died [pid 9533, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/find_object_2d/find_object_2d rgb/image_rect_color:=camera/rgb/image_rect_color depth_registered/image_raw:=camera/depth_registered/image_raw depth_registered/camera_info:=camera/depth_registered/camera_info __name:=find_object_3d __log:=/home/alessio/.ros/log/8531e2f4-e770-11e5-955b-ac220b18e4aa/find_object_3d-1.log].
log file: /home/alessio/.ros/log/8531e2f4-e770-11e5-955b-ac220b18e4aa/find_object_3d-1*.log
Is there anyone who can help me? Thanks
Hi, Facing the same issue, I updated the ros topics in the launch file to the ones published by my camera but still facing the same error. Any solutions ?