3D Object Detection Package

asked 2020-09-10 15:20:18 -0500

Chelsea_A_Starr gravatar image

I have a kinect like sensor. It has an RGB Camera and a depth sensor. Does anyone know any packages that can track objects and publish their location (/tf) in 3D? I tried find_object_2d (http://wiki.ros.org/find_object_2d) and it works great for labels, but I need to track various fruits. It does not work well for that.

The package cmvision (http://wiki.ros.org/cmvision_3d) looks like it does exactly what I need, but is only available for ros hydro. I am on ros melodic.

Any other package suggestions would be appreciated. Or pushes in the right direction on how to build something like this on my own.


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You can clone cmvision_3d in your catkin_ws and see if it builds.

matlabbe gravatar image matlabbe  ( 2020-09-10 16:26:50 -0500 )edit