Error while running find_object_2d
I cloned the package from the source and experimented perfectly, later i uninstalled the ROS and openCV and reinstalled. Now i compiled the package using catkin_make
successfully but when i try to run the node i am getting following error.
[ WARN] (2015-08-06 23:22:31.328) Settings.cpp:960::createDescriptorExtractor() Find-Object is not built with OpenCV xfeatures2d module so Brief cannot be used!
[FATAL] (2015-08-06 23:22:31.328) FindObject.cpp:56::FindObject() Condition (detector_ != 0 && extractor_ != 0) not met!
FATAL message occurred! Application will now exit.
Please clarify how to fix this issue
The message is quite clear. Make sure that you compile the xfeatures2-module of OpenCV...