What laser scanner, odometry and IMU suit Gmapping best?

asked 2016-03-08 01:11:13 -0500


We are building a platform used for indoor 2D SLAM. We've made a vehicle which is rear-wheel drive and is able to carry all the sensors we need. It works by remote control so that autonomous navigation is unnecessary.

We choose Gmapping as our SLAM algorithm and we plan to use robot_pose_ekf node to fuse IMU data with odometry data.

Now the question is

  1. What kind of odometry works best with Gmapping?
  2. What kind of IMU will cooperate with the odometry during the data fusing?
  3. What kind of laser scanner will suit our platform? Note that we are doing a sort of indoor 2D SLAM.

We are looking for detailed model of these sensors. However all ideas are welcome.

Thanks in advance for your help :)


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