Modifying the Turtlebot Follower
I am new to ROS and I am currently trying to figure out how to modify the built in follower demo. I modified the cpp file but can not figure out how to build the workspace. I have looked around for an answer but have not yet found one.
When I run catkin_make it returns
"The specified source space "/home/bsuwirjo/turtlebotCode/turtlebot_apps-indigo/src" does not exist".
When I try rosmake it returns
[ rosmake ] rosmake starting...
[ rosmake ] No package or stack specified. And current directory 'turtlebot_apps-indigo' is not a package name or stack name.
[ rosmake ] Packages requested are: []
[ rosmake ] Logging to directory /home/bsuwirjo/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20160204-175201
[ rosmake ] Expanded args [] to:
[ rosmake ] ERROR: No arguments could be parsed into valid package or stack names.
Is it something I'm doing wrong regarding the commands?