Cannot catkin_make example from Tutorials
I used my fresh knowledge from package form format to extend basics of catkins cmakelist.txt and package.xml Is there anything principally wrong with it or is all right. It does work with catkin_make
I use this CMakeLits and package.xml.txt. I would be glad if someone could have a look at it and tell if any mistakes in it
Edit: So i got the general order, but where to place this, it feels like deadlock: How to add when it needs to be exported?
add_library(my_test_lib ${MY_TEST_LIB_SRC})
CATKIN_DEPENDS #catkin packages
#DEPENDS Boost #other libs
#INCLUDE_DIRS include #my headers
LIBRARIES my_test_lib #my exported libs from the project
#CFG_EXTRAS - Additional configuration options
Related: How to move packages from build to devel folder.
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re: deadlock: there is no deadlock. As the documentation states, just add all your
statements after thecatkin_package(..)