if you have ros installed and sourced (source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash -> replace indigo with your ros distribution)
then simply using catkin_create_pkg should be sufficient, however it takes arguments:
catkin_create_pkg ros_dependency1 ros_dependecy2 name_of_my_package
This macro will create a template package for you with all required dependencies, package structure and ready for you
to fill in the details.
please check also http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/Cre... for a more detailed explanation on how to create a package.
if your node is going to be on python perhaps the command will look like this:
catkin_create_pkg rospy my_ros_pkg
if your node is on c++:
catkin_create_pkg roscpp my_ros_pkg
PD: you might want to check https://github.com/OTL/oculus as they have something similar to what you want to do