ROS Repositories by Organisation
I remember seeing a wiki article which broke down ROS packages by organisation. For example several universities had some ROS repositories and there was a link to them.
Was this on this page
I personally found it useful to get links to repositories by Organisation. Because you could explore what work was being done by a university.
Currently its a bit overwhelming searching through all ROS packages.
I would be happy to help maintain such a page.
Edit: Ok I see that was the page I remembered. But it wasn't really grouped by organisation it was just a list of packages
However I noticed, I couldn't search for a lot of the packages on the original page for example. I could not find: berkeley-ros-pkg or the mit ros packages.
Personally I use ROS Index. Its db needs to be updated, but other than that it's a pretty handy site. Perhaps we could convince @jbohren to run the update scripts some time?
@gvdhoorn Unfortunately, ROS Index is statically-hosted by GitHub, so I need to run the updates locally, verify, and then push them. I'd like to make the updates more frequent though. I've set up a campaign to try to fund it here (no announcement yet):