Indigo comment needed in Create Your own urdf file tutorial?
Have the urdf tutorials been updated to reflect changes in indigo?
In Create your own urdf file, there is no mention of indigo. I believe the line should read:
$ check_urdf my_robot.urdf # hydro, indigo
Also, check_urdf
isn't installed by default in a ros-indigo-desktop-full installation, so an instruction to install the necessary package should be included on the page:
sudo apt-get install liburdfdom-tools
How does one get access to the wiki to edit pages when things like this are missing, and is there a guide for wiki editors and the editing approval procees? I'd be happy to help when I find things like this.
You can sign up for a wiki account here (linked from the sign-in page).
Hmm. For some reason, when I try to sign in with my email and the password I set (I use a password manager, so I know it's the one I set), it tells me my login is invalid.
I usually sign in with my user name, not my email address.
Tried that too. So I also tried resetting my password via the forgot password link and it tells me my token is invalid.
oh my. You should probably email the site maintainers for help at that point.
Probably wise at this point. Thanks for all your help @ahendrix!
hello , could you explain me this ? I could not get exact point
@atilay-mayadag: please do not comment on one question to ask for help on another.