Not seeing topic data using microstrain_3dm_gx3_45 with a 3DM-GX3-35
I am attempting to use the microstrain_3dm_gx3_45 driver. I have a microstrain 3DM-GX3-35, connected via USB. It shows up as port ttyACM0. I'm running ROS indigo on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I have made sure to include the ROS master URI in the setup file.
So far I've made some progress by figuring out that I had to set the permissions with this command:
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0
This solved the failure due to permission being denied. When attempting to run it I go through these steps:
Start roscore
Open a terminal and go to rosbuild_ws and source setup.bash (imu_driver doesn't show up in the next step if I don't, I normally use the source.bash for catkin)
type: rosrun microstrain_3dm_gx3_45 imu_driver
At this point I get this output
[ INFO] [1447290658.417420942]: Initializing.
[ INFO] [1447290658.417651570]: Pinging device
[ INFO] [1447290658.417942970]: Setting to idle
[ INFO] [1447290658.419018936]: Checking status
It doesn't move on from there, I'm not sure if it's supposed to do more. So, leaving that terminal open, I try to echo the topic by doing the following:
- Open another terminal
- command: rostopic list
- Several topics show up
/imu3dmgx3/gps/fix /imu3dmgx3/gps/odom /imu3dmgx3/imu/data /imu3dmgx3/imu/pose /imu3dmgx3/nav/fix /imu3dmgx3/nav/odom /imu3dmgx3/nav/pose
- try to display one by typing: rostopic echo /imu3dmgx3/imu/data
- the command doesn't fail, but nothing displays, and the imu_driver window doesn't show anything beyond Checking Status either, it also won't exit if I press ctrl+c or anything else.
I can also roslaunch this: ~/rosbuild_ws/microstrain_3dm_gx3_45/launch/roslaunch imu.launch
that gives me this output
> core service [/rosout] found
> process[imu_3dm_node-1]: started with
> pid [5324] [ INFO]
> [1447293625.027313438]: Initializing.
> [ INFO] [1447293625.027628687]:
> Pinging device
which also doesn't fail, but seems to stop at that point. But it will (with a delay) end the process without closing the terminal. imu_test.launch gives me a similar output.
So that's where I'm stuck for now. The errors I know of are solved but I don't seem to be getting any output. I've taken a screenshot of the spot where it stops in case it adds any clairity.
Thank you for any help or suggestions!