Adding Executables, Dependencies and Target Link Libraries - Client Example
I'm running Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04 and in the tutorial [ ], under section 1.3, CMakeLists.txt is modified to add Executables, Dependencies and Target Link Libraries. Since this builds on the work of the SimpleActionServer, should these be ADDED to this file or should they replace what was used for the prior lesson:
add_executable(fibonacci_server src/fibonacci_server.cpp) target_link_libraries( fibonacci_server ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ) add_dependencies( fibonacci_server ${learning_actionlib_EXPORTED_TARGETS} )
I can get the tutorial for the client working fine when I replace the above dependencies, link libraries and executables. But, the directions seem to say ADD the new dependencies, link libraries and executables to what was used for the client example. If that is the case, how do you add multiple dependencies, executables and link libraries. I haven't found the correct syntax.