Missing file in the ActionLib Intermediate Tutorial [closed]
Hi everyone,
I was going through the tutorials on the ActionLib, when I recognized a missing file (description) on the Averaging Action
In the code explanation on the tutorial page ( http://wiki.ros.org/actionlib_tutoria... it says
[...] This includes action message generated from the Averaging.action file show above. This is a header generated automatically from the AveragingAction.msg file. [...]
, but there actually isn't any Averaging.action file shown on the page or previous pages. Also, the linked AveragingAction.msg ( http://www.ros.org/doc/api/actionlib_... ) isn't existing.
I worked around this with an improvised Averaging.action like this:
int32 samples
int32 average
int32 samplecount
int32 stddeviation
int32 samplenumber
int32 currentaverage
int32 currentstddeviation
but I am not sure if it will work semantically correctly when I proceed with the tutorial.
Could someone please update this?
Thanks in advance!