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nav2d Navigator failing to create path

asked 2015-10-13 07:07:02 -0500

Swan Baigne gravatar image

updated 2015-10-15 07:25:07 -0500

Hello, I am trying to use nav2d with the turtlebot robot, in order to map an unknown room. I was able to modify the tutorial3.launch file and the costmap is created without problems. But when i try to add a goal in Rviz, the robot don't move and it show

[ERROR]: Prepare failed!

I also tried to use

rosservice call /StartMapping 3

but it only print response: 0 and shut down.

Here is my rqt_graph :

EDIT : The mapper log show the following error

[[33m[ WARN] [1444902817.579649858]: Failed to compute odometry pose, skipping scan ("base_laser_link" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist. )^[[0m
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1 Answer

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answered 2015-10-14 09:20:35 -0500

Sebastian Kasperski gravatar image

"Prepare" means, that the Navigator tries to get a map and the robot's position from the Mapper. You should check if a map is build (global map from Mapper, not local costmap from the Operator).

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Thanks for your answer, it seems that the Mapper node is not creating the map. It seems that it is because 3 topic it subscribe to are not published : /tf_static , /karto_in and /initialpose. Which node is supposed to publish those 3 topic ?

Swan Baigne gravatar image Swan Baigne  ( 2015-10-15 01:47:47 -0500 )edit

I don't think it is related to these 3 topics. /tf_static is from tf and only used for static transforms, /karto_in and /initialpose are only needed in a multi-robot scenario. You could set the Mapper's log level to debug. And check for errors when you call the get_map service.

Sebastian Kasperski gravatar image Sebastian Kasperski  ( 2015-10-15 03:55:50 -0500 )edit

Thanks for your anwers. May i ask how to do that ? i was able to change the Mapper's log level with rosservice call /mapper ros debug, but i don't know how to call the get_map service as it is not listed in rosservice list, only /GetMap/get_loggers and /GetMap/set_logger_level

Swan Baigne gravatar image Swan Baigne  ( 2015-10-15 04:59:08 -0500 )edit

I usually use the 'rqt_console' tool directly to change the log level of a node. There has to be a service 'get_map', which is called by the Navigator in Prepare-Phase. Looks like your mapper is not running correctly. Are there any messages from the mapper during startup?

Sebastian Kasperski gravatar image Sebastian Kasperski  ( 2015-10-15 07:50:48 -0500 )edit

No messages during startup, sadly :-( It only show around 20 time a sec the following message in the Mapper log :

[[33m[ WARN] [1444902817.579649858]: Failed to compute odometry pose, skipping scan ("base_laser_link" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist. )^[[0m
Swan Baigne gravatar image Swan Baigne  ( 2015-10-15 08:17:13 -0500 )edit

This seems to be the problem. All scans are skipped and not added to the map. Make sure that the parameters "laser_frame", "robot_frame" and "odometry_frame" are set according to your robot setup. You can use "rosrun tf view_frames" to inspect your current frame tree.

Sebastian Kasperski gravatar image Sebastian Kasperski  ( 2015-10-15 09:11:52 -0500 )edit

Thanks a lot for the answers, i was able to change the /laser_frame to the correct value. It took me so long because thoses parameters are not listed in the rosparam list /Mapper The map is now correctly created, but as the robot is not responding to goals, i may create another question :)

Swan Baigne gravatar image Swan Baigne  ( 2015-10-16 02:13:57 -0500 )edit

But how to set those three frames "laser_frame", "robot_frame" and "odometry_frame" ? I meet the same problem.

张京林 gravatar image 张京林  ( 2015-12-23 03:25:00 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-10-13 07:07:02 -0500

Seen: 552 times

Last updated: Oct 15 '15