[solved] Couldn't open Joystick /dev/input/js0
I am trying to "teleop" my turtlebot using a Logitech Attack 3 joystick. I bring up the turtlebot from a remote PC, followed by the command:
roslaunch turtlebot_teleop myjoystick.launch
where myjoystick.launch is the modified logitech.launch file with the added axis_deadman param. The terminal on my remote PC shows error "Couldn't open Joystick /dev/input/js0. Will retry every second."
No response when joystick is connected to the remote PC. The turtlebot responds properly when I connect the joystick to the turtlebot netbook.
I tried changing permissions of /dev/input/js0 to 777 as well, with no help.
Also, keyboard teleop happens without any errors.
Why is the remote joystick teleop not happening and how do I fix this?