Theorycrafting: "Virtual" walls for husky navigation
Hello ROS community!
I just got into ROS through a project I'm participating in at my University. My job is to navigate the husky given a set of breadcrumbs (waypoints) and a zone (like a "virtual corridor") where it's OK to maneuver in.
Whilst playing around with the husky gazebo simulation and investigating how the move_base local and global planner work, I thought of an idea. Would it be possible to add a "virtual corridor" to the global occupancy grid cost map, which would make the husky think it was trapped and not navigate outside of the corridor, but still navigating through the breadcrumbs and avoiding obstacles inside? My hopes is that the laser distance sensor could still see through this virtual wall in order to navigate itself in the world.
Or do you know of any more convenient way to do this?
Thanks in advance, wbr
EDIT: Basically what I'm asking is: Is it possible to add area restrictions on the path planner in order to keep the robot inside a certain region while going to goal?