node outside catkin workspace
Hi everybody,
I have a complex application in which I would like to integrate ROS, so as to make a ros node out of it an be able to send messages, call services...
This application is complex and heavy and would not fit well in a catkin workspace (a silly refactoring would be needed). Actually ROS is not very central in this specific application and thus integrating ROS should not require a heavy reorganisation (such as putting the codebase in a catkin workspace).
Is there a way to integrate ROS in an application outside of the catkin workspace? I guess most complex software willing to integrate ROS have the same issue...
Interesting... Can I generate the custom messages in a separate package inside catkin and use the generated msg from my complex application?
Probably yes. Putting messages into a separate package is the recommended practice, anyway. .
(moved to answer)
I converted my comments to an answer.
@arennuit can you please provide a sample listener which is outside of catkin workspace ?