How to run nodelet as standalone with rosparams?
Good morning all,
I currently have a nodelet that I would like to debug using the following command: "rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone pkg/Type" or just "./ros_mods/nodelet/bin/nodelet standalone pkg/Type" but I am having problems with the initialisation of all my ROS parameters.
What I would like to do is replicate an experiment I logged as a rosbag file, along with a rosparam dump file. I originally tried simply to load the parameters from the dump file (using "rosparam load < dump file >.yaml") then run the nodelet and play the rosbag content.
Now, the nodelet runs without problems and receives the ROS msgs from the rosbag but the rosparams, although loadad an visible when using "rosparam list", are not found by the nodelet. What am I doing wrong? I checked my ROS namespace but everything seemed to be in order. The rosparams (when listed) look identical to when I originally made the experiment and loaded them from a configuration file.
Thank you for your help! -A
I've got the same problem, if I try to run a standalone nodelet using:
I can not access the rosparams from within that node (nh.getParam fails)