hector slam raspberry problem
Hello everybody,
I use to create maps Hector Slam. So far everything has worked. I will now use a Raspberry Pi 2 with ubuntu to create maps but I always get error.
Hector Slam starts without problems and Rviz connects without problems over the network with the Raspberry.
In the area of laser scanners in Rviz, is an error message which reads:
For frame [laser]: No transform to fixed frame [map]. TF error: [lookup would require extrapolation into the future. Requested time 2529.375686649 but the latest data is at time 2529.225683316, When looking up transformable from frame [laser] to frame [map]]
I think there is a performance problem, because it worked on my computer without any problem.
Here's my TF Tree
Here's a screenshot of the error
Has anyone any idea how I can solve this problem?
The Laser Scanner is Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW
Thanks + greetings