Setting up tf for Hector SLAM
Hi, all,
I am trying to get my hokuyo laser node to work with hector_slam to produce realtime SLAM. I have installed hokuyo_node and the laser seems working properly. I also completed the hector_slam tutorial using the "Team_Hector_..bag" file. However, when I rosrun hokuyo_node and hector_slam(through a launch file), I just can't get it right. My launch file settings are as follows:
Then I went back to rerun the hector_slam tutorial, I use rxgraph to check what the nodes/topics are. Then, I found that a "/play node" (play back of the *.bag file in the tutorial) publish a '/tf' topic and "/hector_mapping" node subscribe to it. If I just rosrun hokuyo_node, then the "/hokuyo_node" just publish the '/scan' topic. I guess the problem is here. Can anyone elaborate a little more on this '/tf' and how to resolve it when using real laser scanners? THANKS A LOT.
please share your launch file, i have a same problem too.