PCL : Use Camera Topic instead of PCD File
Hello guys,
i'm really struggling with my mind while reading the PCL Documentation on ROS.org . I want to process the registered depth cloud stream of my XTion Pro Live in a cpp file. So i found this :
http://wiki.ros.org/pcl/Tutorials which says
"since we use ROS subscribers and publishers in our code snippet above, we can ignore the loading and saving of point cloud data using the PCD format."
That tutorial talks about a Voxel Snippet in Cpp, on the PCL website http://www.pointclouds.org/documentat...
What i don't get is : in the PCL Tutorial, it's all about loading a PCD file (it that right ?) and processing that file. But i want to process a live XYZRGB Stream from the Camera. Would i have to convert the stream (pointcloud_to_pcd then pcd_to_pointcloud) everytime to a PCD file ? Or is it possible to input the Topic of my Camera ?
I'm not getting the logic behind all this yet
I hope someone can rescue me in this mind Jungle Thank you